One time there was a small child named Joko who happened to be black while his parents
white, because he felt different and his curiosity he tried to dare to ask
to his mother
Joko: Mama, isn't the mama's child really?
Mama: Yes, it's mama's child, whose child is it. Why do you ask, kid? (mother tries to find out why does his child ask like that)
Joko: The problem is mama's skin is white, but the joko skin is black. Why does mama give birth to me
black skin? (Joko keeps asking)
Mama: It's okay (Trying to answer briefly so you won't be asked again)
Joko: Why are you ma? Joko asked, still curious
Mama: If you are white, then it's easy to get dirty, kid,
Joko: # @ # @ # @ # @ #

* Being a mother must have many ideas to answer unexpected children's questions, so that her child is grateful and accepts her shortcomings
